Bridging the real world and cyberspace.
We will develop the foundation that leads to analysis and advanced knowledge.
Based on collective data on the movement and behavior of living things, including humans and artificial objects, we will develop a wearable/environmental type χlogbot (chi logbot) that can automatically select measurement and intervention strategies, with the aim of developing a foundation for a distinctive seamless cyber-physical system (CPS) that smoothly connects two layers: the physical (real world) and cyber (data world). CPS is pioneering research that is almost unprecedented in the biological field. We will work on signal and image processing, and statistical analysis of the behavioral data provided by the physical team to spiral up the device performance through the repetition of prototyping and verification in a real environment. Our goal is to establish a method for hierarchical navigation data and develop an analysis infrastructure for software.
Development of χlogbot and elucidation of behavioral diagram using sparse modeling
A02-2 Team MAEKAWA
Algorithm development of χlogbot, which measures and intervenes autonomously
A02-3 Team FUJII
Technologies for rule/learning-based analysis and determination of intervention policies in hierarchical bio-navigation
A02-4 Team MAKINO
Development of behavioral intervention systems using remote tactile stimulation and two-dimensional communication, and motion analysis based on behavior prediction
Data-driven Swarm-Machine interaction
A02-6 Publicly Offered Research
Publicly Offered Research