- 2022.12.22 Papers Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Racket Sport for Player Evaluation With Technical and Tactical Contexts
- 2022.12.22 Papers Discriminant Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Labeled Spatio-Temporal Data Collections
- 2022.12.21 Papers Self‐Propulsion Mode Switching of a Briggs–Rauscher Droplet
- 2022.12.08 Papers Utilizing a Reconfigurable Maze System to Enhance the Reproducibility of Spatial Navigation Tests in Rodents
- 2022.10.24 Papers A Review of Neurologgers for Extracellular Recording of Neuronal Activity in the Brain of Freely Behaving Wild Animals
- 2022.10.24 Papers Pelagic seabirds reduce risk by flying into the eye of the storm
- 2022.09.12 Papers Mate Discrimination of Colocasiomyia xenalocasiae and C. alocasiae (Diptera: Drosophilidae) as a Possible Factor Contributing to their Co-Existence on the Same Host Plant
- 2022.09.12 Papers Extrinsic Camera Calibration From a Moving Person
- 2022.09.12 Papers Distinct decision-making properties underlying the species specificity of group formation of flies
- 2022.05.25 Papers 社会性昆虫の分業メカニズムにおける相互作用ネットワークの効果/Effects of Social Interaction Networks on Task Allocation Mechanism in Social Insects