- 2023.12.12 Papers Decentralized policy learning with partial observation and mechanical constraints for multiperson modeling
- 2023.12.06 Papers Optogenetic activation of the VTA-hippocampal pathway facilitates rapid adaptation to changes in spatial goals
- 2023.11.30 Papers Measurements of wild finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri) on-axis burst-pulse sound
- 2023.11.23 Papers Action valuation of on- and off-ball soccer players based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
- 2023.11.16 Papers Characteristics of daily foraging activity of Camponotus japonicus via time series analysis
- 2023.11.10 Papers The effects of paroxetine-induced transient apoptosis and brain remodeling on social behavior in developing zebrafish
- 2023.11.10 Papers Directional and amplitude characteristics of pulsed call sequences in captive free-swimming Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
- 2023.10.19 Papers Massive horizontal gene transfer and evolution of nematomorph-driven behavioral manipulation of mantids
- 2023.10.13 Papers Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis for Principled Disentanglement in Unsupervised Deep Learning
- 2023.10.10 Papers Protocol to investigate the neural basis for copulation posture of Drosophila using a closed-loop real-time optogenetic system