A01フィジカル班 Physical Team
Principal Investigator Ken Yoda Ken Yoda
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University Professor
- Research field
- ethology, ecology
- Research keywords
- bio-logging, birds, mammals, field work
- Laboratory
- http://yoda-ken.sakura.ne.jp/yoda_lab/English.html
Co-Investigator Takashi Yamamoto Takashi Yamamoto
School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Animal Behavioural Ecology, Spatio-Temporal dynamic analysis, Environmental Adaptation
- Research keywords
- Behaviour, Biologging, Movements, Environmental analysis, Statistical modeling
- Laboratory
Principal Investigator Shizuko Hiryu Shizuko Hiryu
Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University Professor
- Research field
- Research on biosonar system of bats and its engineeging application
- Research keywords
- Echolocation, ultrasound, bioacoustics, sensing, bio-logging
- Laboratory
- https://www1.doshisha.ac.jp/~bioinfo/
Co-Investigator Kohta I Kobayasi Kohta I Kobayasi
Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University Professor
- Research field
- Neuroethology of vocalisation and vocal communication
- Research keywords
- neuroethology, vocalisation, phonation
- Laboratory
Inter-lab postdoc fellow Emyo Fujioka Emyo Fujioka
Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University Project associate professor
- Research field
- Bioacousitics, Measurement engineering, Behavioral ecology
- Research keywords
- Bat, Echolocation, Navigation, Fieldwork, Biomimetics
- Laboratory
- https://researchmap.jp/emyo_fujioka
Co-Investigator Dai Fukui Dai Fukui
The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo Lecturer
- Research field
- Bat Ecology
- Research keywords
- Bat, Ecology, Community, Biogeography, Echolocation
- Laboratory
- https://www.uf.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Co-Investigator Masahiro Kajihara Masahiro Kajihara
International Institute for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Virology
- Research keywords
- Bat-borne diseases, Viral hemorrhagic fever, Zoonosis, Africa, Biologging
- Laboratory
- https://www.czc.hokudai.ac.jp/epidemiol/index_e.html
Co-Investigator Hiroto Ogawa Hiroto Ogawa
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University Professor
- Research field
- Behavioral Neuroscience, System Neuroscience
- Research keywords
- brain, neural circuit, neuron, insect, escape behavior
- Laboratory
- https://www.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~hogawa/English/
Principal Investigator Susumu Takahashi Susumu Takahashi
Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University Professor
- Research field
- Neuroscience
- Research keywords
- navigation, episodic memory, hippocampus, place cell, head direction cell
- Laboratory
- https://www.takahashilab.com
Co-Investigator Yuya Makiguchi Yuya Makiguchi
College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Ecological studies on reproductive success of fishes
- Research keywords
- Fish Reproductive Ecology, Bio-logging, Salmonid fishes
- Laboratory
- http://y-makiguchi-web.main.jp/
Co-Investigator Kaoru Ide Kaoru Ide
Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Neuroscience
- Research keywords
- navigation, episodic memory, Parkinson's disease, hippocampus, place cell
- Laboratory
- https://www.takahashilab.com
Principal Investigator Hiraku Nishimori Hiraku Nishimori
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University Professor
- Research field
- Dynamics of non-equilibrium systems, Mathematical modeling of various phenomena in nature and human society
- Research keywords
- Mathematical modeling, Social insects, Decision making, Statistical-mechanics, Complex Systems
- Laboratory
Co-Investigator Masashi Shiraishi Masashi Shiraishi
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Study on Collective Behaviors of Living Matters based on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Complex Systems
- Research keywords
- Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex System Physics, Numerical Simulation, Biological Collective Behaviors, Social Insects
- Laboratory
- https://shiraishi-mu.github.io/
Co-Investigator Akiko Koto Akiko Koto
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Researcher
- Research field
- Behavioral ecology
- Research keywords
- Social behavior, division of labor
- Laboratory
Publicly Offered Research
Principal Investigator Osamu Kishida Osamu Kishida
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Animal ecology
- Research keywords
- Biological interaction, predator-prey relationship, amphibian, fish, condition dependent tactics
- Laboratory
- https://ok.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/en/
Principal Investigator Kentaro Sakamoto Q. Kentaro Sakamoto Q.
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Associate professor
- Research field
- animal behaviour, physiological ecology
- Research keywords
- biologging, sea turtle
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/site/kqsakamoto/home
Principal Investigator Satoko S. Kimura Satoko S. Kimura
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Underwater Bioacoustics, Environmental Impact Assessment, Natural symbiotic system
- Research keywords
- Coastal ecosystems, aquatic large animals, top predators, marine mammals
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/fish-environ-oceanograph/home
Principal Investigator Shinya Ymamamoto Shinya Ymamamoto
Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto University Associate professor
- Research field
- Comparative Cognitive Science, Ethology
- Research keywords
- social cognition, cooperation/coordination, group decision making, social network, drone
- Laboratory
- https://www.wrc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/members/shinya-yamamoto.html
Principal Investigator Shunsuke Shigaki Shunsuke Shigaki
Principles of Informatics Research Division, National Institute of Informatics Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Bio-inspired robotics, Control system
- Research keywords
- Virtual reality for insects, airflow visualization, odor source localization, machine learning, robotics
- Laboratory
- https://sshigaki.jimdofree.com/
Principal Investigator Yuuki Kawabata Yuuki Kawabata
Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology (Faculty of Fisheries), Nagasaki University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Animal Behavior, Predator-prey interaction
- Research keywords
- Pursuit strategy, guidance law, predatory attack, biologging, gyroscope
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/site/kawabatalaboratory/home-english
Principal Investigator Ryoya Tanaka Ryoya Tanaka
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Neuroethology
- Research keywords
- Group formation, Drosophila, genome editing
- Laboratory
- https://researchmap.jp/tanakaryoya
Principal Investigator Shinsuke Koike Shinsuke Koike
Institute of Global Innovation Research, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Professor
- Research field
- Ecology
- Research keywords
- Biological interaction, Asian black bear, large mammal, wildlife management, biodiversity
- Laboratory
- http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~for-bio/
Principal Investigator Sachiko Tsuda Sachiko Tsuda
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Neuroscience, Developmental Biology
- Research keywords
- Optical technique, zebrafish, collective behavior, time series analysis
- Laboratory
- https://www.tsuda-lab.org/
Principal Investigator Koji Miyoshi Koji Miyoshi
Central Fisheries Research Institute, Hokkaido Research Organization Assistant section chief
- Research field
- Ecological studies on the predator-prey interaction of benthos
- Research keywords
- Scallop, Sea star, School, Predator-prey interaction, Behavioral ecology
- Laboratory
- https://www.hro.or.jp/hro/en.html
Principal Investigator Tadamichi Morisaka Tadamichi Morisaka
Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University Professor
- Research field
- Cetacean ethology
- Research keywords
- Cetacean, Feeding, Vision, Audition, Tracking
- Laboratory
- https://marinemammal.jimdofree.com/english/
Principal Investigator Seiji Miyazono Seiji Miyazono
Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Fish ecology
- Research keywords
- Fish, environmental DNA, community ecology, river, migration
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/seijimiyazonowebsite/home
Principal Investigator Kim Suhyang Kim Suhyang
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo Researcher
- Research field
- Structural biology
- Research keywords
- Structural biology, Biochemistry, Magnetic compass, Magnetoreception, Migratory bird
- Laboratory
- .
Principal Investigator Naoyuki Sato Naoyuki Sato
School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate Professor
- Research field
- Computational Neuroscience
- Research keywords
- Spatial cognition, Neural synchronization, Electroencephalogram, Brain theory, Episodic memory
- Laboratory
- https://www.fun.ac.jp/~satonao/
Principal Investigator Tamao Maeda Tamao Maeda
Research Center for Integrative Evolutionary Science, SOKENDAI Fellow
- Research field
- Behavioral Ecology
- Research keywords
- Drone, Horse, Multilevel Society, Animal Tracking, Collective Behavior
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/tamaomaeda/
Principal Investigator Yuichi Takeuchi Yuichi Takeuchi
Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Neuroethology, Neuroscience, Genomics
- Research keywords
- Laterality, Handedness, Left-right differences of brain, Predator-prey relationships, Learning
- Laboratory
- http://www.neuroecology-takeuchi.com/index.htm
Principal Investigator Shohei Ochi Shohei Ochi
Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Neuroethology, Neural development
- Research keywords
- Homecage monitoring, Multiple animal-analyses, Autism spectrum disorder model mouse, Mouse, Sex differences
- Laboratory
- http://www.dev-neurobio.med.tohoku.ac.jp/english/index.html
Principal Investigator Yukio Matsumoto Yukio Matsumoto
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, The Filed Science Center Associate Professor
- Research field
- Behavioral Ecology, Fishery Stock Enhancement
- Research keywords
- Ezo abalone, kelp forest, individual based model, Stock management
- Laboratory
- https://researchmap.jp/yukio_matsumoto
A02サイバー班Cyber Team
Principal Investigator Koichi Hashimoto Koichi HashimotoGraduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University Professor
- Research field
- Robotics, Computer Vision, Control Engineering
- Research keywords
- Visual Servo, Point Cloud, Deep Learning, Trajectory Mining, Visual SLAM
- Laboratory
- http://www.ic.is.tohoku.ac.jp/en/koichi/
Co-Investigator Keiko Gengyo-Ando Keiko Gengyo-Ando
Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Study on neural circuit mechanism of behavior using in vivo imaging of neural activity.
- Research keywords
- Calcium imaging, behavior, neural circuit, C. elegans, molecular neurophysiology
- Laboratory
- http://www.dent.tohoku.ac.jp/english/field/morphology/02/index.html
Co-Investigator Shingo Kagami Shingo Kagami
Unprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center, Tohoku University Professor
- Research field
- Sensory information analysis including vision and image processing
- Research keywords
- Robot Vision, High-Speed Vision, Low-Latency Display, Augmented Reality, Projection Mapping
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/kagami-lab-tohoku-u/
Principal Investigator Takuya Maekawa Takuya Maekawa
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Research keywords
- Wearable/ubiquitous sensing, activity recognition, behavior analysis, biologging, indoor positioning
- Laboratory
- http://www-mmde.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/~maekawa/index-e.html
Co-Investigator Kotaro Kimura Kotaro Kimura
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya City University Professor
- Research field
- Neurobiology
- Research keywords
- sensory behavior, sensory information processing, imaging, nematode, optogenetics
- Laboratory
- https://en.kokimura-lab.org
Co-Investigator Koh Takeuchi Koh Takeuchi
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Machine Learning, Data Mining
- Research keywords
- Spatio-Temporal Data, Pattern Extraction, Causal Inference
- Laboratory
- https://koh-t.github.io/index.html
Principal Investigator Keisuke Fujii Keisuke Fujii
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Data-driven science for multi-agant motions
- Research keywords
- Multi-agent motion, Machine learning, Sports, Human behavior, Artificial intelligence
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/keisuke1986en/
Co-Investigator Yasuo Tabei Yasuo Tabei
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project Unit leader
- Research field
- Data compression, machine learning
- Research keywords
- Succinct data structure, machine learning
- Laboratory
- https://www.tabei-lab.org/
Co-Investigator Hisashi Murakami Hisashi Murakami
Faculty of Information and Human Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology Assistant Professor
- Research field
- ethology, cognitive science, complex systems science
- Research keywords
- collective behavior, self-organization, navigation, mutual anticipation, attention
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/hisashimurakamien/home
Co-Investigator Nozomi Nishiumi Nozomi Nishiumi
National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences Researcher
- Research field
- Animal behavior
- Research keywords
- Strategies in predators and prey, Animals' navigation for target pursuit and threat avoidance, Interactive experiment system using virtual animals
- Laboratory
- https://researchmap.jp/Nozomi-Nishiumi?lang=en
Principal Investigator Yasutoshi MAKINO Yasutoshi MAKINO
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo Associate Professor
- Research field
- Tactile Interface, Virtual Reality
- Research keywords
- Airborne Ultrasound Phased Array,Tactile Display, Action Prediction
- Laboratory
- https://hapislab.org/en/
Co-Investigator Hiroshi Kohsaka Hiroshi Kohsaka
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications Associate Professor
- Research field
- Neuroscience
- Research keywords
- Motor control, neural circuits, Drosophila, image processing
- Laboratory
Co-Investigator Akihito Noda Akihito Noda
Faculty of Science and Technology, Nanzan University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Electromagnetic wave engineering
- Research keywords
- Two-dimensional communications, radio communications, wireless power transfer, radio frequency circuits, wearable systems
- Laboratory
- https://researchmap.jp/akihitonoda
Co-Investigator Masahiro Fujiwara Masahiro Fujiwara
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo Project Research Associate
- Research field
- Information Physics, Haptics
- Research keywords
- Ultrasound, Remote sensing, Mechanoreceptor, Minute signal measurement/processing
- Laboratory
- https://hapislab.org/en/
Co-Investigator Yuichi Masuda Yuichi Masuda
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Science Researcher
- Research field
- Wireless Communication/ Wireless Power Transfer/ 2-D Communication
- Research keywords
- RFID,Wireless Power Transfer
- Laboratory
- https://hapislab.org/en/
Principal Investigator Hiroaki Kawashima Hiroaki Kawashima
Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo Professor
- Research field
- Intelligent informatics, perceptual information processing
- Research keywords
- pattern recognition, machine learning, computer vision, swarm-behavior analysis, multimodal interaction
- Laboratory
- https://interaction-lab.org/en/
Co-Investigator Hitoshi Habe Hitoshi Habe
Faculty of Informatics, Kindai University Professor
- Research field
- Computer Vision
- Research keywords
- Image Recognition, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Motion Analysis, Pattern Recognition
- Laboratory
Co-Investigator Takayuki Niizato Takayuki Niizato
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Tsukuba University Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Soft computing
- Research keywords
- Complex Systems, Collective Behaviour, Emergence, Cognitive Science
- Laboratory
- https://www.takayukiniizato.com
Publicly Offered Research
Principal Investigator Shohei Nobuhara Shohei Nobuhara
Faculty of Information and Human Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology Professor
- Research field
- Computer Vision
- Research keywords
- 3D shape and motion estimation, multiple-view geometry, camera calibration, physics-based vision, computational photography
- Laboratory
- https://www.is.kit.ac.jp/research.html
Principal Investigator Kazunori Sakurama Kazunori Sakurama
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Control Engineering
- Research keywords
- Distributed Control, Distributed Optimization, Swarm Robotics, Formation Control, Group Theory
- Laboratory
- http://www.ids.sys.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/sakurama/index_e.html
Principal Investigator Midori Sakura Midori Sakura
Graduate School of Science, Kobe University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Neuroethology, Neurobiology
- Research keywords
- Insects, Path-integration, Flight simulator, VR, celestial compass
- Laboratory
- .
Principal Investigator Hiroshi Morioka Hiroshi Morioka
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) Research Fellow
- Research field
- Machine learning, Computational neuroscience
- Research keywords
- Machine learning, Nonlinear independent component analysis, Unsupervised representation learning,Deep learning, Brain-imaging
- Laboratory
- https://sites.google.com/view/hiroshimorioka
Principal Investigator Satoru Satake Satoru Satake
Deep Interaction Laboratory Group, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International Researcher
- Research field
- Human robot interaction, Social Robot
- Research keywords
- Human-robot interaction, Social robot, Social navigation, Group navigation, Sensor network
- Laboratory
- https://dil.atr.jp/ISL//en/
Principal Investigator Genta Toya Genta Toya
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo Project Assisitant Professor
- Research field
- Complex Systems, Knowledge Science
- Research keywords
- Agent-based modeling, evolutionary simulation, behavior tracking, niche construction, alienation
- Laboratory
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Genta-Toya
Principal Investigator Yusuke Tsunoda Yusuke Tsunoda
Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Control engineering, swarm robot system, swarm system, disaster response robot, rough terrain mobile robot
- Research keywords
- Sheepdog system, collective model, robot shepherd, system identification, control engineering
- Laboratory
- .
Principal Investigator Hidetoshi Takahashi Hidetoshi Takahashi
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Mechanical Engineering
- Research keywords
- Force sensor, MEMS, Biomechanics, Mechatronics, Precision machining
- Laboratory
- http://www.takahashi.mech.keio.ac.jp/
Principal Investigator Kazushi Tsutsui Kazushi Tsutsui
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo Assistant Professor
- Research field
- Machine learning, Behavioral science
- Research keywords
- Multi-agent simulation, reinforcement learning, collective behavior, cooperation, computational biology
- Laboratory
- .
Principal Investigator Arao Funase Arao Funase
National Rehabilitation Center for persons with disabilities Director
- Research field
- Neuroscience, Bio-signal processing
- Research keywords
- EEG, Spatial memory, ICA
- Laboratory
- http://www.rehab.go.jp/ri/english/department/rehabeng/
Principal Investigator Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi
Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University Associate Professor
- Research field
- Nonlinear Physics
- Research keywords
- Inertial sensor, kinematic analysis, gaits, energetics, collective behavior
- Laboratory
- https://www.omu.ac.jp/sci/nonlinear/